What is the effect of charging 18650 lithium-ion battery in low temperature environment

18650 lithium-ion battery charging at low temperatures will have what kind of impact? Let's take a look at it below.

What is the effect of charging 18650 lithium-ion battery in low temperature environment?

24V 26000mAh 白底 (2)

Charging lithium-ion batteries in low-temperature environments poses certain safety risks. This is because along with the reduction of humidity, the kinetic properties of the graphite negative electrode progress a deterioration in the charging session, the electrochemical polarization of the negative electrode is very significantly aggravated, the precipitation of lithium metal is prone to the formation of lithium dendrites, propping up the diaphragm and thus causing a short circuit of the positive and negative electrodes. As far as possible to prevent lithium-ion battery charging at low temperatures.

Considering the low temperature, the negative electrode on the nested lithium-ion battery will appear ion crystals, can directly pierce the diaphragm, under normal circumstances will cause a micro-short circuit affects the life and performance, the more serious is likely to explode!

According to authoritative expert research: lithium-ion batteries for a short period of time in a low-temperature environment, or the temperature is far from low, will only temporarily affect the battery capacity of lithium-ion batteries, but will not produce permanent damage. But if used for a long time in a low-temperature environment, or in -40 ℃ ultra-low temperature environment, lithium-ion batteries may be frozen to cause permanent damage.

The low-temperature use of lithium-ion batteries suffers from low capacity, severe decay, poor cycle multiplier performance, very pronounced lithium precipitation, and unbalanced lithium de-embedding. However, along with the continuous innovation of the main uses, the constraints brought by the poor low temperature performance of lithium-ion batteries are becoming more and more very obvious. In heavy-duty aerospace, heavy-duty, electric vehicles and other fields, the battery is required to work properly at -40°C. Thus, the continuous improvement of the low-temperature properties of lithium-ion batteries has strategic significance.

Of course, if your 18650 lithium battery is equipped with low-temperature materials, it can still be charged normally in a low-temperature environment.

Post time: Dec-26-2022